Dr. Nagore Espinosa, CEO de in2destination, was speaker of the VIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON RURAL TOURISM OF NAVARRA on February 23th and 24th 2017 in Pamplona representing the International Network of Experts in Measuring Tourism at the Subnational Level, INRouTe.
It is a congress of high interest in order to identify success case studies and lessons leart from other places across the globe which are advancing in the development of sustainable tourism in rural areas, which can be os use to participants of the event and Navarre as the host territory. Moreover, Navarre had the chance to present, through different speakers from the private and public sector, the advancements that are being conducted in diverse aspects such as:
- becoming a smarter territory by bringing internet to as much rural territory as possible
- developing slow food initiatives with a bifold objective recovering agriculture in order to try to fix population in the rural areas and teaching young generations about local inherent products, how to prepare them and enjoy them.
Nagore Espinosa’s intervention was titled “Measuring Sustainable Tourism at the Subnational Level” and withing this framework she presented the work thay INRouTe jointly with United Nations and other International and European entities are developing in order to reach a consensus and address this challenge for the national and subnational level. It became evident that there is still a lot to be done and in order to succeed an ample collaboration is needed and at the same time it is critical that public and private agents when making decisions use this information so to advance towards sustainable development.