Beyond the reported record numbers of participants, exhibitors, press, among others attending Madrid tourism fair this past January, we rather highlight the quality of meetings and contacts maintained. From the point of view of professionals in the sector, the different conferences and workshops on various technologies applied to the sector, challenges from social, governance, environmental and even technological absorption perspectives have been very interesting.
In addition, in this edition our CEO, Nagore Uresandi PhD, has been part of one of the panels of the Fiturtech Forum, being a speaker at the conference dedicated to the “contribution of the tourism industry to the objectives of sustainable development”, which took place on Friday January 19th at the #techYsostenibilidad [tech and sustainability] exhibition organized by the ITH Hotel Technology Institute of Spain. Her presentation focused on the existence of demand that makes investing in sustainability profitable and on highlighting real and responsible initiatives that work in accordance with the SDGs 2030. Thus, she selected very committed international examples from Sweden, Argentina, Germany, US and also Spanish cases such as RURALSUITES in Navarra, example of accommodation and activity company, absolutely inclusive and sustainable or Ultzama School Farm, in the Ultzama Valley also in Navarra, with its project Caracol, the first Slow Food Inter school in Spain, which offers a totally inclusive and sustainable space.
The examples cited by Nagore, go in the direction of what IN2destination aims at, which is nothing more than accompanying tourism destinations and companies so that they are more Sustainable, More Inclusive and Smarter, providing them with a combination of strategic consulting, training and technology solutions.
We take this opportunity to encourage other entrepreneurs of knowledge and technology in tourism to participate in FITUR with their own stand. It was the first year that IN2destination has opted to participate with its own space in the Startup area of the FITUR Know – How & Export stand of SEGITTUR and our assessment has been very positive. We have had a personalized stand, in an area shared with other entrepreneurs with whom synergies arise, also participating in workshops and assisting collaborators and entities interested in knowing the services and projects that we carry out at IN2destination.