Director & Founder

Brief info

"Tourism development must be compatible with the well-being of the people living there.”


I have a PhD in Business Competitiveness and Territorial Development from the Basque Institute of Competitiveness – University of Deusto. Previously, I did a Master of Science in Leisure Events and Facilities Management at Sheffield Hallam University (UK), I specialised in Event Management thanks to the Erasmus programme at the University of Angers (France) and I am a graduate in Tourism from the University of Deusto..


Two decades in the economic sector of tourism. I have developed projects in Europe (Spain, England, Scotland, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, and Montenegro), America (United States, Colombia, Guatemala and Brazil), Asia (East Timor, Indonesia, Myanmar and Kazakhstan) and Africa (Morocco and Cape Verde).

I started in the hotel and events industry, later going through the public administration with the promotion of Spain in the US market at Tourspain (Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce), as Trade Director. After a few exciting years, I entered the academic and consulting world with focus on measuring tourism at the sub-national level and managing sustainable, smart and competitive destinations.

Roles and publications

I combine leading IN2destination, with other activities such as expert consultant for UNWTO and ITC, Vice President of INRouTe International Network, Member of the Advisory Board of Bilbao Urban and Cities Design, professor for the University of Deusto and The Basque Culinary Center, visiting professor at numerous universities and evaluator of R & D & i projects for various organisations.

I have numerous papers published by the UNWTO, as well as academic publications and contributions in international conferences, I have been a visiting professor for various masters in tourism in Spain and Italy and a visiting researcher at the Centro Internazionale di Studi sull’Economia Turistica CISET, Venice.

Access my LinkedIn profile if you want more information or contact me if you want to know more about my training and experience.

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