IN2destination #Change4tourism Webinars

NEXT WEBINARS MAY 20th, 2020 – Webinar: Competitive and Sustainable Tourism in Europe coexisting with COVID-19 (fully in Spanish) From IN2destination we consider that this crisis should be a fantastic opportunity to develop competitive and sustainable tourism in Europe: redefining destination and company strategies, the way to proceed, gaining greater professionalism, competitiveness and sustainability in companies, resources, at the end…

World Tourism Day in Bilbao

Dr. Nagore Uresandi, IN2destination Director, participated as speaker in the celebration of the World Tourism Day Let´s Talk about Tourism, beyond figures organized by the University of Deusto and Diputación Foral de Bizkaia on September 27th 2016. It was a very innovative day, allowing to reflect on the importance of this great economic sector and how it is linked to many other…