Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism – UNWTO

Within the framework of the initiative Towards a Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) launched by UNWTO in 2017 and with the support of United Nations Statistics Division, the second meeting of the working group of experts on measuring the sustainability of tourism took place at UNWTO Headquarters (Madrid) on 24 and 25 October 2018. Dr. Nagore Uresandi,…

Press briefing of Alfredo Retortillo, Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Consumption of the Basque Government (Spain)

Bilbao, June 28th 2017. The research project “Carrying Capacity of Euskadi tourism destinations”, prepared by the research team of the Tourism Department of the University of Deusto, together with the IN2destination team led by our CEO Nagore Uresandi, was presented at a press conference by Alfredo Retortillo, Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Consumption of the Basque Government. The minister stressed the…

VI UNWTO International Conference on Tourism Statistics

Dr. Nagore Uresandi, CEO of IN2destination and Coordinator of INRouTe – International Network on Regional Economics Mobility and Tourism on June 22nd at the VI UNWTO International Conference on Tourism Statistics organized by UNWTO in Manila (Philippines) presented the document “Tourism, territory and sustainability at subnational levels: fostering credibility for its measurement and supporting key stakeholders” prepared by INRouTe. This conference…

Apartments, shared & private rooms, Do we know quantity, characteristics and occupancy in our destinations?

Thanks to our own technological solutions in2apartments and in2pricing, we analyse the amount, characteristics, availability and price dynamics, among other variables, of the accommodation supply, including apartments. We collect this information daily and are able to offer this information 30 or 45 days in advance, its daily evolution, weekdays, weekend, etc. In the following infographic we reflect a selection of the variables…

INRouTe latest publication presented at UNWTO Committee on Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account, January 2017

INRouTe the International Network on Regional Economics Mobility and Tourism, which focuses on advancing towards guidelines on measuring tourism at the subnational level, has been working during more than seven years now, and during the past four years has been developing the publication on its version 1: Tourism, territory and sustainability: a statistical insight at subnational levels: towards a Set of…

UNWTO & INRouTe Workshop Subnational Tourism Measurement

IN2destination team organised on November 22nd 2016 the UNWTO & INRouTe workshop Subnational Tourism Measurement, hosted in Venice, Italy, by CISET. We had the opportunity to count with Eurostat and OECD, who organised the 14th Global Forum on Tourism Statistics that same week in Venice. As the workshop agenda shows, this workshop marked the first occasion prior to a Global discussion to comment on the document…

Nagore Uresandi on a UNWTO mission to Myanmar

Myanmar is undergoing numerous changes in all fronts since its recent democratic elections. Its economy is opening up, including welcoming foreign visitors, not only to Bagan,Yangon and Mandalay, but to many other unique and unspoiled regions of the country. Myanmar citizens hold high hopes for their country under the new government and leadership of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung…

GISflow by IN2destination

One of the tourism sector’s greatest challenges is being able to know the distribution of the tourism activity in the territory. IN2destination has developed a system and a methodology named GISflow, which allows matching profile data, including per day expenditure, with mobility patters in the territory. The following images showcase tests conducted by IN2destination in Old San Juan (Puerto Rico)…

INRouTe milestone & Save the Date Nov 22nd Venice

It is with great pleasure that we inform you that February 18th 2016 Antonio Massieu, Chair of INRouTe and Dr. Nagore Uresandi, IN2destination CoFounder and INRouTe technical secretariat submitted to the UNWTO the final version of the document tentatively entitled“MEASURING TOURISM AND SUSTAINABILITY: A STATISTICAL INSIGHT AT SUBNATIONAL LEVELS UNWTO GUIDELINES IN LINE WITH THE UN AGENDA 2030 ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”  In…