Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism – UNWTO

Within the framework of the initiative Towards a Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) launched by UNWTO in 2017 and with the support of United Nations Statistics Division, the second meeting of the working group of experts on measuring the sustainability of tourism took place at UNWTO Headquarters (Madrid) on 24 and 25 October 2018. Dr. Nagore Uresandi,…

Contributing to the development of sustainable tourist destinations in Colombia by pivoting in measurement.

Within the framework of the Cooperation for International Development ERICA programme (Spain and its regions exchange knowledge with Antioquia) transfer pilot project on sustainable tourist destinations is being executed in Jericó (Antioquia, Colombia) and IN2destination has been the chosen Spanish counterpart as tourism experts. Between July 9 and 13th our CEO Nagore Uresandi has had a mission to Colombia, in…