Contributing to the development of sustainable tourist destinations in Colombia by pivoting in measurement.

Within the framework of the Cooperation for International Development ERICA programme (Spain and its regions exchange knowledge with Antioquia) transfer pilot project on sustainable tourist destinations is being executed in Jericó (Antioquia, Colombia) and IN2destination has been the chosen Spanish counterpart as tourism experts. Between July 9 and 13th our CEO Nagore Uresandi has had a mission to Colombia, in…

Press briefing of Alfredo Retortillo, Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Consumption of the Basque Government (Spain)

Bilbao, June 28th 2017. The research project “Carrying Capacity of Euskadi tourism destinations”, prepared by the research team of the Tourism Department of the University of Deusto, together with the IN2destination team led by our CEO Nagore Uresandi, was presented at a press conference by Alfredo Retortillo, Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Consumption of the Basque Government. The minister stressed the…

Apartments, shared & private rooms, Do we know quantity, characteristics and occupancy in our destinations?

Thanks to our own technological solutions in2apartments and in2pricing, we analyse the amount, characteristics, availability and price dynamics, among other variables, of the accommodation supply, including apartments. We collect this information daily and are able to offer this information 30 or 45 days in advance, its daily evolution, weekdays, weekend, etc. In the following infographic we reflect a selection of the variables…

Destionation Chair for ENTER2016 Int’l Conference

Nagore Uresandi, IN2destination CoFounder, is Destination Chair for the International Conference ENTER2016 taking place in Bilbao from February 2nd to 5th 2016. Within this role as part of the Destination Track, she is organising a set of sessions  jointly with Stephanie Gallob from the European Travel Commission. ENTER2016 theme is eTourism: Empowering Places and counts with a selected set of keynotes such as AirBnB, BBVA, SEGITTUR, DFRC, TripAdvisor…Within the…