World Tourism Day in Bilbao

Dr. Nagore Uresandi, IN2destination Director, participated as speaker in the celebration of the World Tourism Day Let´s Talk about Tourism, beyond figures organized by the University of Deusto and Diputación Foral de Bizkaia on September 27th 2016. It was a very innovative day, allowing to reflect on the importance of this great economic sector and how it is linked to many other…

Meeting with Internationally Experienced Basque Businesses

IN2destination has participated in the Meetings with International Experienced Basque Businesses organized by Bilbao Ekintza, December 21st in Bilbao, where in2destinawe were able to enjoy an exchange of experiences by a renowned set of professionals from our territory currently based in Mexico, China, Peru and India. Speakers: Francisco Pi Martínez, representative of IDOM and Emprebask México; Nuria Celorio, Eseune Business School; Inés Murueta-Goyena, AZIN and…

Destionation Chair for ENTER2016 Int’l Conference

Nagore Uresandi, IN2destination CoFounder, is Destination Chair for the International Conference ENTER2016 taking place in Bilbao from February 2nd to 5th 2016. Within this role as part of the Destination Track, she is organising a set of sessions  jointly with Stephanie Gallob from the European Travel Commission. ENTER2016 theme is eTourism: Empowering Places and counts with a selected set of keynotes such as AirBnB, BBVA, SEGITTUR, DFRC, TripAdvisor…Within the…

Contributing to Talent Development in Tourism

Nagore Uresandi and Natalia Restrepo IN2destination CoFounders participated in the UNWTO Conference on Talent Development and Education in Tourism organized by United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with the University of Deusto, taking place December 1st and 2nd 2015, in Bilbao (Spain). IN2destination works to improve tourism education, competitive present and future professionals made aware of smart and…