A study on Accessible Tourism in Spain to find out about the most inclusive Spanish destinations and the barriers that still need to be overcome today
Client: In2destination Research and Consultancy in Tourism (This research is undertaken with our own resources and is part of our CSR)
Country and date of execution: January 2018 –
Category: Measurement
Description of the Project
This study is the first in a series, as such focusing on a first functional diversity, people in wheelchairs. The sample will be collected in Spain focusing on tourism trips within the Spanish territory.
This project has a double objective and a double audience. On the one hand, it is a matter of providing figures to private companies providing tourist services, so that they know that there is a market they can target. On the other hand, in view of the results when they are achieved, it will be important to communicate to the public and private sectors what barriers still exist and must be overcome, which, contrary to what is usually understood, are not merely constructive, but also in terms of training, attitude, care for detail, etc.