MAY 20th, 2020 – Webinar: Competitive and Sustainable Tourism in Europe coexisting with COVID-19 (fully in Spanish)

From in2destination we consider that this crisis should be a fantastic opportunity to develop competitive and sustainable tourism in Europe: redefining destination and company strategies, the way to proceed, gaining greater professionalism, competitiveness and sustainability in companies, resources, at the end at the destinations as a whole. Being able to contribute more, if possible, to the well-being of the residents of these destinations. It is a collective effort, to which each of us can contribute if we make that decision and add up. It is not that we start from scratch, there is already professionalism, commitment to sustainability and competitiveness in the value chain, but there is still a long way to go so that these values ​​embed the entire chain completely.

For this edition of the #change4tourism webinars, we are happy to have great professionals who share their vision on whether they agree with us on this vision and the steps they see must be taken to achieve it:

• Óscar Perelli, Director of Studies and Research, Exceltur.
• Juan Requejo, Director of Key Technical Assistance.
• Patrick Torrent, President NECSTouR, Executive Director of the Catalan Tourism Agency.

If you are interested in attending this webinar, please register and we will wait for you on May 20, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. CET.
Likewise, if you help us in the dissemination, we thank you very much!



MAY 13th 2020 – Webinar: Tourism co-existing with COVID-19 in European Destinations  (in English) 

All companies and destinations are agile planning and acting simultaneously. Thus, we thought it would be interesting for the audience to learn about the strategies, governance, innovation, digitalization, measuring and marketing that three European destinations might be thinking or already implementing. These destinations are Catalonia, Venice Region, and Croatia. The professionals sharing this information and experience with us are:

Mara Manente, Director of CISET (Centre of Studies on Tourist Economics) – University  Ca’Foscari Venice, Italy.

Damià Serrano, Marketing & Research Director, Catalan Tourist Board, Catalan Government, Spain.

Neda Telisman-Kosuta, Senior Researcher, The Institute for Tourism, Zagreb, Croatia

We believe this webinar should allow us all to reflect over the tourism development models that we desire for our territories during COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021 and further ahead.

Thank you very much to all who attended!! And thanks for the positive feedback!!

This can be watched again here , it was fully in English.

MAY 6th 2020 – Webinar: Innovation and Protocols in Products and Services to co-exist with COVID-19

In times of crisis it is easy to get carried away by negative, defeatist feelings, that is why it seems important to us to focus on cases to learn from, that inspire us to continuous improvement, to innovate, to collaborate with other agents, to get out of this crisis strengthened.

in2destination wishes to invite you to hear first-hand practical experiences from:

Ned Capeleris, General Manager, Hotel María Cristina The Luxury Collection

Yoana Viela, Founder and responsible for 18 degrees

Jorge Álvarez Dieguez, Director of the Hotel Gran Bilbao and President of the AEDH Basque Country (Spanish Association of Hotel Directors)

Jabier Fuertes Udaondo, “Txapas”. Manager – Owner of Troka Abentura, S.L., President AKTIBA Euskadi

Alvaro Clavijo, El Chato Restaurant, Bogotá, Colombia

This group of professionals has provided their companies to assist COVID patients19, has donated materials, has invested time to develop protocols to be ready when it can be opened, invests in training its employees during ERTEs, they have transformed their businesses to support their teams and families, and much more!

Thank you very much to all who attended!! And thanks for the positive feedback!!

This can be watched again here , it was fully in Spanish.

29 DE ABRIL DE 2020 – Webinar: Objective: Internal Tourism, How do we approach it in times of COVID-19?

Without a vaccine, which apparently will take between 12 and 18 months to be ready for distribution, unless the British announcements are complied with and made available in September, the return to normality will be expected. This in Tourism in Spain implies a very hard blow for 2.62 million jobs (INE, 2019). This blow can be reduced, if the tests begin to be carried out in large numbers. In this way, epidemiologists and other experts will begin to learn more about the virus and its impact on our population, so as to perhaps be able to progressively progress to a certain level of displacement. Always with social distancing measures, to sanitized spaces, and not in the presence of vulnerable populations.

This hopefully may lead us to undertake a certain level of domestic tourism, Spansh residents traveling through Spain. Hence, in2destination for its first webinar, in this series, has wanted to invite two representatives of destinations of the North of Spain, much greener, to discuss how to deal with this internal tourism living with the disease COVID-19:

Maitena Ezkutari Artieda, General Director of Tourism, Commerce and Consumption, Government of Navarra

Jose Luis Maestro Castiñeiras, Director of Competitiveness, Tourism of Galicia, Xunta de Galicia

In this webinar, you can listen to actions that these destinations are undertaking for this development of domestic tourism, so that their respective tourism companies have activity, economic support, adopt changes in the business model, and progress towards greater collaboration between private and public agents and towards sustainability.

Thank you very much to all who attended, and to Maitena and Jose Luis for sharing their knowledge!!

Here we provide the link to this webinar, it was fully in Spanish.

And thanks for the positive feedback!!