The INSPIRA manifesto comes from a project promoted by the University of Deusto that has the collaboration of Innobasque and Elhuyar Fundazioa and with the funding of the three Basque Provincial Councils: Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Álava. Furthermore, it has been supported by organizations such as Siemens Gamesa, Vodafone and Met among others.

The objective of the Manifesto is to reduce the current gap in our society between gender and technology, from the academy and the company to promote spaces for girls and women to be present in equality in these areas.

Less than 15% of the aspirants to study computer engineering or electronics in Spain are women (Instituto de la Mujer, 2017), and this is because the society and culture in which we live does not encourage women to direct their professional careers towards technological or scientific fields. It is also often argued that they lack women references, and the truth is that they exist, if you are aware of the publication Women in Science you are already acquainted with at least 50, but it turns out that they are greatly unknown. Then, as you also know, it is evident that what is missing, among other elements, is communication, empowering all those women of science that already exist, education from childhood, reversing stereotypes and empowerment.

The good news is that this is changing and initiatives like the INSPIRA manifesto help reduce this gap. From IN2destination we are a firm driven by women and men that from our values as people, as a team, for our reason of being, and for our corporate social commitment, we bet for equality and we support the values that are disseminated in the text. We know that we have to fight it every day, and that is why we unite and spread initiatives that put the focus on the empowerment of women in business, academia, science and in all spheres of life. For this reason, we invite you to sign the INSPIRA manifesto as we did.