Venice, Barcelona and Bilbao take action on very complex issues for the sustainable management of tourist flows

Venice, Barcelona and Bilbao take action … … on very complex issues for the sustainable management of tourist flows As you know, IN2destination stands for tourism sustainability, and this needs courage to be implemented. That is why we want to highlight here three initiatives from three cities that are different in many ways but all have visitor flows that they…

Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism – UNWTO

Within the framework of the initiative Towards a Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) launched by UNWTO in 2017 and with the support of United Nations Statistics Division, the second meeting of the working group of experts on measuring the sustainability of tourism took place at UNWTO Headquarters (Madrid) on 24 and 25 October 2018. Dr. Nagore Uresandi,…

World Tourism Day 2018 – Tourism and digital transformation

The tourism sector has experienced and continues to experience continuous growth until it becomes one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world, and, at present, it is finally recognized as a key engine of socioeconomic progress that benefits communities across the globe. In fact, the World Tourism Organization confirms that, today, tourism represents 10% of world GDP, 7%…

Contributing to the development of sustainable tourist destinations in Colombia by pivoting in measurement.

Within the framework of the Cooperation for International Development ERICA programme (Spain and its regions exchange knowledge with Antioquia) transfer pilot project on sustainable tourist destinations is being executed in Jericó (Antioquia, Colombia) and IN2destination has been the chosen Spanish counterpart as tourism experts. Between July 9 and 13th our CEO Nagore Uresandi has had a mission to Colombia, in…

Highlighting the importance of measurement before students of Deusto University

On December 1, 2017, the Department of Tourism of the University of Deusto together with the Department of Tourism of the Basque Government celebrated the San Francisco Javier Conference once again, this time on the San Sebastian campus. The title of the day was THE IMPORTANCE OF MEASUREMENT IN TOURISM, an issue without doubt extremely relevant if destinations and companies…

IN2destination calling to action at MOVE2017: let´s measure, communicate and manage sustainably!

The fifth edition of the International Conference on Measurement and Economic Analysis of Tourism at the Subnational Level – MOVE was held on November 22, 23 and 24 in Pamplona Navarra. The Government of Navarre, immersed in the implementation of its strategic plan with a clear focus on sustainability and in making decisions based on data, organized MOVE. For this, it has…

Co-Authors of “Sustainable Tourism in Gipuzkoa: Challenges and opportunities”

On November 21, 2017 the work “Sustainable Tourism in Gipuzkoa: Challenges and opportunities” was presented. Denis Itxaso, Member of Culture and Tourism of Gipuzkoa, Nicolás Sartorious, President of the Alternativas Foundation, José Ignacio Asensio, Member of the Environment of Gipuzkoa and Ana Belén Sanchez, Fundación Alternativas presented this report on sustainability at a press conference in San Sebastian tourism. Nagore Uresandi,…

Fast forward to Aste Nagusia – Festivities in all three Basque capitals Let´s check out average prices and availability for key dates!

Vitoria – Gasteiz, Donostia – San Sebastian and Bilbao are preparing their main festivities Aste Nagusia and we at IN2destination have decided to use our own in2pricing solution in order to analyze average price and availability for entire homes and hotels for the key dates of each festivity, as they do not happen at the same time, so that you can enjoy…

GISflow by IN2destination

One of the tourism sector’s greatest challenges is being able to know the distribution of the tourism activity in the territory. IN2destination has developed a system and a methodology named GISflow, which allows matching profile data, including per day expenditure, with mobility patters in the territory. The following images showcase tests conducted by IN2destination in Old San Juan (Puerto Rico)…