Contributing to Talent Development in Tourism

Nagore Espinosa and Natalia Restrepo in2destination CoFounders participated in the UNWTO Conference on Talent Development and Education in Tourism organized by United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with the University of Deusto, taking place December 1st and 2nd 2015, in Bilbao (Spain). in2destination works to improve tourism education, competitive present and future professionals made aware of smart and…

in2destination contributing to latest UNWTO publication

Damiano de Marchi (researcher at CISET), Nagore Espinosa in2destination CoFounder, Mara Manente (CISET Director), and Aurkene Alzua (CICtourGUNE Director) have co-authored the case study Pedemontana Veneta: high quality sustainable and slow tourism as part of the latest UNWTO AM Report entitled Global Report on Public-Private Partnerships: Tourism Development. in2destination strongly believes in the power of collaboration and the success it…